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Hello this is my first exposure to DALL-E or any AI art! Wonderful stuff...Im born on the Summer Solstice and have to wonder if winter solstice would give a diff result or the equinox's? (pleez excuse any incorrect purifications, some things I can never keep straight on the fly of my thoughts) since all four are related but the diff being the LONGEST day for the summer solstice, just showing the sun itself might not be so on point...anyway loving it all...BTW I would use it as an excuse to have beach parties in my youth.

of course I question the original use of the Latin term Solstice in the first place since sun/sol "STOP" might have been better with a modifier to indicate the Longest day end of the relationship between the Four astronomical events...the "STILL" portion of the term might have better described the equinox's. but Equal say it all for those two.

Also my first exposure to Olafur Eliasson’s as a ref, I need to look him up (my assumption that "Olafur" is "Oliver" was correct, my language skills are improving...Woo, having STEPHEN as a name has forced me to learn that the F and V sounds and spellings are all interlinked, hence the Purification exception rule beyond just adding S's Half/Halves...Self/Selves)

Sorry if I posted/commented too many Abstracts, in the future I will be more on point to the Art...I hope.

OMG for being an electronic engineer and knowing how the chips talking one bit at a time in Machine Code, millions of pre-determined yes/no questions, all through transistors in one way flow facilitated by geranium giving off electrons into wires in circles within circles in a spiral array making logic gates using Boolean logic of AND's/OR's and NOT's all adding up to this miracle talking box we carry in our pockets but Social Media just evades me...I'm having trouble logging in and Posting this... :(

Thank You Anna for your work/post's :)

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